Please provide us with your details so that we can send you investment offers as they become available.
To register please click on the relevant tab below based on the type of Investor you are.
To show that you are a Sophisticated Investor you need a Qualified Accountant’s Certificate. If you do not have one, or it has expired please download the blank form and pass it to your accountant to certify your sopisticated investor status.
To show that you are a professional investor you need an AFSL number or proof of assets.
Register as a Professional Investor
Definition of Investor Types
Sophisticated Investor
- Have gross personal income over the last 2 years of at least $250k; or
- Have net assets of over $2.5m
Professional Investor
- Hold an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL); or
- Have or control gross assets of at least $10m or more
Retail Investor
- Any Investor who does not classify as a Sophisticated or Professional Investor